• When his long suffering girlfriend disappears suddenly, leaving a cryptic note as her only explanation, Hank's comfortable life and his sanity begin to crack. Then, from the woods surrounding his house, something terrible starts trying to break in.
  • 一个美国小伙子在意大利徒步旅行,一天日出之前,他邂逅了一位美女,和她擦出了爱的火花,本来是很浪漫的爱情故事,直到有一天,他发现了她一直隐藏的黑暗秘密
  • 电视机裡播放著录影带桥段,一段来自人称「美国怪物杀人魔」亨利史塔克维瑟的惊悚独白,承诺暴力时代即将来临。这一夜,广播宣布他的死亡消息后,整座城市随即笼罩在暴力与恐惧之下。一场事故,让一群亨利口中的「孩子」如同野兽出柙,拖著活生生的躯壳,依循脑海中的声音,发了疯似地横行于世界各处製造「混乱」。一副又一副的面具之下,藏匿的本性蠢蠢欲动著,残酷不堪的冷血举动就是要让这世界不.得.安.宁.。
  • 讲述一个画家江郎才尽,此时她被人介绍了一种药物,服用后她不由自主开始疯狂创作,但人也变成了嗜血的吸血鬼。
  • Desperate for success and quickly loosing grip, a pair of metal musicians lure a young woman to a secluded mansion in hopes of inspiring their next album. However, tensions arise between the two band mates as one of them accidentally falls in love with their soon-to-be victim.