• 婉秀(金荷娜饰)这名大二的学生因为家中经济条件的问题,不得不赚钱打工。婉秀找到了家教的工作,她的学生吉勋(权相佑饰)是家中的少爷,读书不勤奋以致他即便与婉秀同年如今也只读高中。吉勋娇生惯养性格暴躁,与婉秀见面便不断争吵。吉勋面对衣着老土的婉秀很不满意,但在长时间的相处以来,他才发现婉秀的纯真善良。同样,婉秀也发现吉勋即便是个公子哥儿,但他十分重情重意的。两个人的故事又将如何继续呢?
  • The story of a whimsical and beautiful experience that 38-year-old Woojoo goes through after moving back to her hometown to after moxia.cc the death of her mother. Having given up on her dreams of being an artist after an unexpected pregnancy Woojoo finds her past rushing back to her. She is taken aback when she happens upon two women -- 19- and 26-years-old, both named Sung Woo-Joo and going through life events identical to her experiences. Now she is faced with a chance to reflect and possibly affect her own life regrets with Christmas just around the corner.