• 伏击

  • 特吕弗的第一部彩色片,也是其作品中最富社會及政治意識的一部。在未來世界裡,書籍一概被禁止,讀書便是犯罪,所有書籍都要交出焚毀。消防員的任務不是滅火救人,而是焚書和捕捉讀書人。於是有一些愛書者,把書背熟,希望日後可以流傳,這些人稱為「書人」。男主角本是一個忠心的消防員,焚書是他的職責。有次認識了一個女孩,受到她的影響,漸漸改變了人生觀,發現了書本中原來充滿了靈性的世界。經過這種溫馨親切的心靈生活,使她不能再忍受冷酷無情的機械社會。最後,他偷閱書本的背叛行為被妻子告發,他與情人設法逃往另一個符合他們理想的美麗世界,在那裡有書籍的存在,重複人類真正的生活。改編自美國作家雷·布烈伯里的科幻小說。(電影雙周刊)」
  • 法国名厨加布列终于获得三颗星的殊荣,站在事业的巅峰,他却一点也不开心。与儿子疏离,妻子有外遇,没有人可以分享的他决定自己买醉,不料引发了心肌梗塞。人生跑马灯让他忆起多年前的一场米其林竞赛,一位个子矮小的日本厨师却以“一碗拉面”击败了他,让他的职业生涯留下一道永难忘怀的遗憾,并成为纠缠他多年的心结。于是,他决定抛开一切,启程前往日本找寻记忆中的“UMAMI”。
  • 讲述古怪贵族富尔福德家族在其拥有 800 年历史的乡村庄园中的真实娱乐系列,讲述孩子们如何应对即将到来的成年。
  • 在家人命丧于暴力犯罪后,这名备受打击的网约车司机接了一位乘客,并因此不得不直面自己的悲痛。
  • 和其他十几岁的女孩一样,塔拉刚刚从高中毕业,但她的父母似乎奇怪地疏远。在附近一场可怕的斧头谋杀狂欢中,塔拉看到了可怕的实体,迫使她质疑自己的理智和令人震惊的祖先。
  • 关于宗教的故事——失业的天主教徒唱着“每颗精子都是神圣的”,把一屋四五十个孩子送去做医学实验,因为再也负担不起他们,而对门的新教夫妇一面幸灾乐祸,一面感叹自己“只性交两次,有两个孩子”;关于性的故事——教授在课堂上向学生讲解“性”是什么,但是学生总不得要领,无奈之下,教授把自己太太拉过来当堂向学生示范;关于死亡的故事——死神来到一个农舍,声言要带走所有人,但这里聚集了许多美国朋友,不但毫不在意,还热情地邀请他喝酒聊天,让死神忍无可忍……人生七部曲,七个沉重的话题却放入足够荒诞的故事,嬉笑怒骂讽刺世间百态。
  • 居住在法国北部城镇的弗莱迪(David Douche 饰)是一个无所事事的青年,他的母亲靠经营小餐馆为生,母亲的溺爱让弗莱迪根本不去考虑未来。他或者和三五好友骑着摩托车招摇过市,或者和女友玛莉(Marjorie Cottreel 饰)纵情享受与水之欢。在这个平静得近乎无聊的小镇,甚至死亡也无法激起太多涟漪。然而,一些阿拉伯移民却改变了弗莱迪的生活轨迹。张扬倔强的阿拉伯青年卡德(Kader Chaatouf 饰)主动向玛莉搭讪,这引起弗莱迪一伙强烈的不满……本片荣获1997年英国电影学院萨瑟兰郡奖、1997年戛纳电影节金相机奖特别提及、1997年芝加哥国际电影节国际影评人费比西奖、1997年欧洲电影节欧洲年度发现、1997年让维果最佳影片奖、1997年圣保罗国际电影节评委会奖。
  • 该电视改编自英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的经典同名作品《圣诞颂歌》。一个痛恨圣诞节的老头通过几个圣诞鬼魂看到了他的过去和现在,在圣诞鬼魂的指引下,他懂得了圣诞节的真谛。他也意识到,自己的将来就把握在自己的手上,弃恶从善就要从改变自身的行为开始。Made for television version of the Charles Dickens classic of the same name. An old man who hates Christmas is taught the true meaning and spirit of Christmas by ghosts who show him his own past and present. He is also shown what the future holds for him if he doesn't change his behavior.  Written by Jason Ihle
  • 一天清晨某村庄的沟壕里出现了一具僵死的女尸。在警察的调查下,死者莫娜(桑德里娜•伯奈尔 Sandrine Bonnaire 饰)的流浪岁月由此被揭开。她身背大包四处露营,与落魄的流浪汉同居在一处房子里,一起抽烟睡觉。一个老妇人的女仆尤兰德满心羡慕莫娜和流浪汉的自在状态,不满男友保罗的简单粗暴。某夜保罗入室行窃打昏流浪汉,莫娜随即不辞而别。接下来她遇到了一对放牧的夫妇,他们给了她土地和住所,期望她能努力过上平静踏实的日子。莫娜不以为然重新上路,在路上搭便车结识了以研究树木为职业的兰迪尔,兰迪尔给予了莫娜短暂的帮助后两人便分道扬镳。此后莫娜又在途中结识了剪葡萄树枝的工人阿兹,无人知晓莫娜的流浪将把她引向何处……
  • X先生(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)可谓是一名业绩丰厚的毒品贩卖精英,然而在他正想功成名就提前退休的时候,买卖却没这么轻易放过他。他的大客户吉米(肯内斯·库兰汉姆 Kenneth Cranham 饰)给他带来了两单交易:找到竞争对手埃迪(迈克尔·刚本 Michael Gambon 饰)失踪了的女儿,同时帮助公爵将手里的巨量摇头丸顺利出手。这次任务看似小菜一碟,然而在追踪埃迪女儿的过程中,X先生竟从埃迪口中得知此事另有蹊跷。吉米原来是警方卧底,此次行动就是为了使X先生锒铛入狱。而当X先生在着手第二个任务时,又无意中发现公爵因为这批摇头丸而与心狠手辣的塞族人结怨。随着事态发展,X先生发现自已已不知不觉深入险境,他心目中那个平静的晚年似乎已变得越来越遥远和艰难,如同他的名字一般,能否从危机中全身而退才是眼前最大的未知数……本片根据J.J.康纳利的同名小说改编。
  • 故事发生在1795年的法国,下级军官拿破仑(克里斯汀·克拉维尔 Christian Clavier 饰)遇见了美丽的约瑟芬(伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼 Isabella Rossellini 饰),一见钟情的两人很快就走到了一起。之后,拿破仑在战争中的出色表现和人民对他的拥戴引起了巴黎政府的不满,上司将拿破仑派往了遥远而又危险的埃及。远在埃及的拿破仑得知国家的安全正受到反法联盟的威胁之时果断回国发动政变,最终成功的成为了首席执行官。然而到了1807年,在沙皇的支持和怂恿下,奥地利出兵法国,为了维系政权的稳固,拿破仑不得不同奥地利公主和亲,然而一切已经为时已晚,与此同时,悲伤的约瑟芬亦离开了拿破仑。
  • 故事发生在1795年的法国,下级军官拿破仑(克里斯汀·克拉维尔 Christian Clavier 饰)遇见了美丽的约瑟芬(伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼 Isabella Rossellini 饰),一见钟情的两人很快就走到了一起。之后,拿破仑在战争中的出色表现和人民对他的拥戴引起了巴黎政府的不满,上司将拿破仑派往了遥远而又危险的埃及。远在埃及的拿破仑得知国家的安全正受到反法联盟的威胁之时果断回国发动政变,最终成功的成为了首席执行官。然而到了1807年,在沙皇的支持和怂恿下,奥地利出兵法国,为了维系政权的稳固,拿破仑不得不同奥地利公主和亲,然而一切已经为时已晚,与此同时,悲伤的约瑟芬亦离开了拿破仑。
  • Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist.   Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventually marries her.   Shortly after this she bears his son, Pierre, who joins the army.   She insists on joining him at the base and his meddlesome, snooty parents insist she give them her son.   Pierre is killed in the war, and Celeste flees to New York where she finds steady employment as a jazz pianist.   She finds a life-long companion with a black musician and chronicles her experiences in a diary that she passes on to her son after he grows up.   Her son becomes a painter and once his own son, Antoine, is grown, reads him the story of Celeste, the youth’s grandmother.   Intrigued, Antoine heads to the Big Apple in hopes of finding her.This movie is an emotional drama about how Antoine, played bea
  • Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-obsessed mother. As Zaynab falls for Alma, a bold and very bright Mexican woman, she searches for her identity in life, love and wrestling.
  • This movie was the most illogical and stupid movie EVER made. If the FBI would have been called in once it was officially a kidnapping, the movie would have been over in 20 minutes and all of the people involved would have been in jail. Instead, the people searching for the kidnapped kid, bumble their way through two hours of absolutely unpredictable stupidity.
  • 主人公是22岁的少女妮可,父母外出后独自照看房子,她和好朋友韦萝妮克享受着夏日惬意的时光。这种平静被妮可的哥哥打破了,他带着他的乐队出现了,他们正打算为专辑录歌。两个女孩的友谊受到了考验。她们的假日出现了意想不到的转折。妮可开始失眠,并且收到了来自一个只有十岁的男孩坚持不渝的追求。
  • 洪水

    Though Delluc's career was short-lived, it burst vigorously(7 films in 4 years)that it forever left its imprint on french cinema history, and they rightly honoured him by giving the annual Prix Delluc to the best French film of the year. He was responsible for the creation of influential cinema  journals like Le Journal du Ciné-Club and Cinéa, founding numerous film societies, writing countless articles and coining the term cineaste. Delluc believed that films should be set in the natural without elaborate posturing, and characters should be portrayed in an intimate way where the past and present, illusion and reality can be correlated, all considered to be avant-garde at its time. He died only a few weeks after the shooting of The Flood at the age of 33.
  • 安娜和薇琪是艾福德的侄女,两人为了筹给妈妈治病,跟随艾福德来到马尼拉。一心想要工作的两人没想到艾福德是一个皮条客,把两人骗来就是让两人接客赚钱。安娜无法接受现实,便自杀身亡,坚强的薇琪留了下来,她发誓要找到艾福德为安娜报仇。于是薇琪便穿梭各大色情场所,寻找报仇的机会,最后薇琪终于了了心愿,亲自杀了害死安娜的仇人…
  • 可能骨迷永远也忘不了第六季的季尾,幸福来得是那么悄无声息的突然。似乎是毫无征兆地,TemperanceBrennan眼含笑意地对SeelyBooth说,我怀了你的孩子。故事戛然而止,丝毫不留空间给处于震惊中的观众,就为第六季画上了一个略显生硬的句号。或许在粉丝们得知Emily怀孕后,就应该猜得到会对剧情走向有很大影响。不过被Bones剧组忽悠了这么多年的我们怎么可能想到HartHanson大笔一挥,不仅让Bones跨过那条与Booth银河般的鸿沟,而且还慈悲为怀地让她怀上了宝宝!Bones虽然是一部罪案剧,但是却让我们内心暖流涌动,感动常在。Angela与Hodgins伉俪情深,获得了一个健康可爱,名字又富有纪念意义的宝宝—MichaelStacatoVincentHodgins。升为家长的他俩将会在第七季里发生一些怎样的温馨又幽默的故事呢?那个傻傻的甜甜又将会对Bones和Booth的关系做出如何的评价?严肃而又冷幽默的Cam又会和她的医生男友擦出什么火花?最牵动人心的,还是BB之间的感情。他俩因为宝宝的关系重新洗牌。无数的可能性摆在观众眼前。从FOX放出的预告片中,他们一片欢乐祥和,可究竟后事如何,还得听凭骨头剧组娓娓道来。承载了观众太多期待的Bones第七季千呼万唤始出来。正如FOX所说,Solvingmurdersisafamilybusiness。
  • Fidèle au roman, le film relate le dernier été du jeune Félix Leclerc dans la maison familiale de La Tuque, au Québec, tout juste avant qu'il quitte la région pour aller étudier à Ottawa. ...
  • 艾伦·艾克哈特([决战中途岛])将主演动作惊悚片[伏击](Ambush,暂译)。Mark Earl Burman自编自导。影片根据真实故事改编,讲述越战期间,德拉蒙德上尉(艾伦饰)率领精英部队收集高度机密的情报信息。影片将于2020年1月开拍。
  • 影片的男主角基顿(巴斯特·基顿 Buster Keaton 饰)是一名乡村影院电影放映师,他喜欢阅读侦探类的书籍,经常幻想自己就是一名像福尔摩斯一样的大侦探。一天,他把价值一元的巧克力糖谎称四元送给女友凯莎琳(Kathryn McGuire 饰),不料被情敌趁机陷害,说基 顿偷了别人的手表拿去当才有钱买巧克力。凯莎琳相信了谗言,遂将基顿赶出门外,并取消了二人之间的婚约。基顿查访之后,发现情敌才是偷表典当的家伙,但却苦无证据洗清冤情。某日,基顿在放映电影时,发现银幕上的故事竟和他的遭遇同出一辙,而且人物也雷同,唯一不同的是电影中的故事发生在一个上流家庭而已。基顿边放映电影边沉溺在电影之中,于是走出放映室,从观众席走入银幕之中逮捕情敌罪犯。可是进入银幕后的基顿却四处碰壁,一筹莫展.随着场景的变化,银幕上的映象不断从幻想变成事实……
  • Nostalgic for his glory days, a frustrated stay-at-home dad invites all of his high school Facebook friends to an 80s-themed surprise party for his exhausted corporate wife.
  • Young, bestselling author Eryn Bellow concludes her bookstore tour with her agent selling film rights and closing a six figure advance for her follow-up. Headwinds arise as critics get offended by the claims that Eryn is being declared a living literary legend.77mi.cc The storm gathers force as the assaults gravitate from bad reviews to a fake-memoir designed to obliterate her from the field. Through the noise, Eryn attempts to write her way out of the public fray, and reclaim her voice in the minds of her readers. Along the way, she hopes to prove a happy ending is not always a bad thing.
  • 描述美国政府的细菌战实验室遭遇意外,一些足以令人致命的病毒从实验室的容器中流失,将实验室中几名科学家杀死。其中最厉害的一种病毒称为“撒旦病菌”,它能够杀死任何人,而这种病菌可能被一名疯子偷去了,于是当局想尽办法追踪捉拿这名疯子。
  • Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead. Hamilton is eventually introduced to a firm that will fake his death and create an entirely new look and life for him. After undergoing physical reconstruction surgery and months of training and psychotherapy, Hamilton returns to the world in the form of artist Tony Wilson. He has a nice house in Malibu and a manservant, a company employee who is there to assist him with his adjustment. He finds that the life he had hoped for isn't quite what he expected and asks the company to go through the process with surprising results. Written by garykmcd
  • The movie chronicles the events of history's man of mystery, Rasputin. Although not quite historically accurate and little emphasis is put on the politics of the day, Rasputin's rise to power and eventual assassination are depicted in an attempt to explain his extraordinary power and influence.
  • 门罗的父亲是基金大亨,在父亲去世后,家族的大部分遗产都留给了母亲和她的哥哥。在接到一封神秘信件后,她来到一个森林深处的仓库,发现了被父亲囚禁30年的摩根(佩吉饰),在照料摩根的过程中,她逐渐了解了遗产分配的原因。凯特·玛拉原本是该片女主角,但日程安排促使她换了角色。
  • 和其他十几岁的女孩一样,塔拉刚刚从高中毕业,但她的父母似乎奇怪地疏远。在附近一场可怕的斧头谋杀狂欢中,塔拉看到了可怕的实体,迫使她质疑自己的理智和令人震惊的祖先。
  • The story of one of the most celebrated and sought-after movie composers, as told by the man himself and his closest collaborators.
  • Maya Rudolph is Molly Novak, a billionaire ready to save the world. Loot premieres June 24 on Apple TV .After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding herself along the way.In addition to Rudolph, the Loot ensemble cast is led by stars Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (“Pose”), Ron Funches (“Undateable”), Nat Faxon (“Married”) and Joel Kim Booster (“Sunnyside”).Loot is created, written and executive produced by Yang and Hubbard. Rudolph executive produces, along with Natasha Lyonne and Danielle Renfrew Behrens, through their Animal Pictures. Dave Becky of 3 Arts also serves as executive producer. Loot is produced for Apple by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.
  • 继承

  • Salomé is 69-year-old and doesn't want to grow old in a society that pays little attention to elderly people; thus, she has organized her disappearance. She plans her last evening in detail, as she thinks about the last time she will have sexual intercourse. With the held of Sandra, a filmmaker, Salomé organizes a casting to choose the person with whom she will make love for th...